Turkey is among the leading countries in health tourism, attracting thousands of patients from all over the world. The most important factors why it is so popular on varies fields of medicine stems from the fact that boasts advanced medical technologies, experienced specialists and offers high-quality and affordable treatment options. At the same time, Turkey’s geographical location and accessibility make the country an important place for health tourism. As Prospero Medical, we brought together a team of well-trained experts in their own field of medicine and leading medical practioners in Turkey to offer advanced care and treatmentt packages at high-end hospitals and clinics in Izmir and Istanbul.
In addition to providing quality healthcare, we are also fully committed to provide highly advanced and comprehensive after-care services, simply because we believe in the fact that after-care is the most integral part of any medical treatment service. From the very first moment following the paitents’ being discharged from the hospital to the final steps of the tretment process, all of our patients are hosted at our select purpose-built complexes in Izmir and Istanbul. Mandarin Well-Being in Izmir – the crown jewel of Aegean zone of Turkey is a unique example of how an advanced-medical care could be complemented with well-being treatments in an effortless way. In addition to regular medical follow-up checks and the execution of duties involving the wound-care management and proving any physical and emotional support to our overseas paients, we also provide comprehensive activies to bolster the moral and motivation of our patients and help them to raise awreness about their health and mental well-being by counselling them on wide range of topics. In line with our dedication to espouse the medical treatment programs, we embrace a wide spectrum of mental health awareness facilities and treatment modalities which we call remedial supportive activities that is proven to be effective for the treatment of numerous physcological condition (dancing & prancing activities, breathing -work, yoga, laughing work-shop) are interspersed into our treatment packages. We aim to deliver a life-changing healing experience with transformative implications at our meditative settings to offer a life-changing experience. Prospero Medical in Turkey is committed to be the pioneering treament and after-care facilitator to specialize in physical and mental health.