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Hallux Rigidus Operation



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      Hallux Rigidus Operation In Turkey

      Hallux Rigidus, also referred to as “stiff big toe”, is a type of osteoarthritis affecting the big toe joint. The big toe is made up of two joints, with the primary joint being the metatarsophalangeal (MTP). The MTP connects the metatarsal, the long bone in the foot, with the first phalanx, the first bone of the toe. The MTP joint allows the toe to bend, grip the ground, and contribute to the flexibility needed when walking.

      The bones of the MTP are covered with a smooth layer of articulate cartilage, which reduces friction. However, if the cartilage wears down or gets damaged, the bone ends can begin to rub against each other, leading to friction and irritation. Hallux damage develops due to cartilage degeneration, or arthritis in the MTP joint, where repetitive stress, trauma, or structural abnormalities contribute to the breakdown. It often limits movement, particularly during walking or running. Over time, bone spurs (osteophytes) develop as the body’s misguided attempt to repair itself, further restricting motion and exacerbating discomfort.

      Patients often experience symptoms such as sharp or aching pain at the joint, noticeable swelling, and restricted upward motion of the big toe. Over time, the joint may develop a visible bump, and pain worsens with physical activities or even rest. Simple activities like wearing shoes, particularly those with heels can become painful.
      In cases of mild arthritis without pain, treatment may not be necessary. However, if the condition causes pain, several measures can help manage symptoms. Opting for shoes with a flat, rigid sole and a wide toe box can help minimize joint strain, while adjustable footwear with laces or straps enhances fit and stability. Pain relief medications, such as ibuprofen, can reduce inflammation.

      For early-stage arthritis, a steroid injection may be administered to control inflammation and pain. If the pain worsens and X-rays confirm advanced arthritis, surgical intervention may be required to address the damaged joint.
      Surgical options depend on the severity of the damage. The options include cheilectomy (removal of bone spurs), arthrodesis (joint fusion), or arthroplasty (joint replacement). A cheilectomy removes bony overgrowths and clears debris within the joint, enhancing mobility. Arthrodesis permanently fuses the joint, eliminating pain at the cost of movement. This is a reliable option for advanced cases. Arthroplasty replaces the MTP joint with a prosthetic to preserve motion, offering pain relief while maintaining some motion. The metal implants used in fusion surgery are typically left in place unless they cause discomfort. Replacement surgeries use durable silicone implants, which have a long lifespan, with over 90% lasting more than a decade.

      When considering surgery for hallux rigidus operation, fusion and replacement offer different paths to relief, each tailored to specific needs and lifestyles. Fusion involves stabilizing the joint in a fixed position, which eliminates all movement but provides reliable pain relief and is well-suited for individuals with physically intensive jobs. In contrast, joint replacement preserves the natural range of motion, making it a preferable option for patients with less physically demanding routines. Both procedures excel in alleviating pain and enhancing the ability to wear shoes comfortably.

      The aim of hallux rigidus operation is to eliminate pain, to halt further deterioration, and restore the foot’s biomechanical balance. Whether preserving or sacrificing joint movement, the intent is to empower patients to walk, run, and live without debilitating discomfort.

      Who Are The Eligible Candidates For Hallux Rigidus Operation?

      Candidates for hallux rigidus surgery are individual with significant pain in the big toe joint that does not improve with non-surgical treatments. Candidates often have tried conservative treatments, such as anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, or orthotics, but have not seen sufficient improvement.

      Typically, candidates have advanced arthritis or loss of mobility in the toe, and difficulty walking or performing daily activities. Surgery may also be an option for individuals who have difficulty walking, climbing stairs, or wearing regular shoes due to the condition.

      How Is Hallux Rigidus Surgery Performed?

      Surgery for hallux rigidus, also known as cheilectomy, involves making an incision on the side of the big toe joint and removing the worn-out cartilage, bone spurs, or any other damaged tissue. Hallux rigidus surgery takes for about an hour to be completed.

      Pre-Surgical Preparation

      Preparation for hallux rigidus surgery in Turkey starts well before arrival. Patients are advised to begin physical therapy to help manage swelling and strengthen the muscles around the affected joint.

      Patients are advised to send their full medical records, including and X-rays or radiological screenings, ahead of time to ensure the surgeon has a comprehensive view of your condition. Additionally, patients should provide a detailed list of their current medications and an overview of their ongoing treatments.
      Upon arrival in Turkey, patients will go through pre-operative tests like blood tests, MRSA swabs, Electrocardiogram (ECG), X-rays, palpation of peripheral pulses, sensory neuropathy screening with a 10 g monofilament and goniometer to measure the range of motion of the first MTPJ. These screenings are followed by a detailed consultation where the surgeon examines the patient physically and reviews the diagnostic findings, finalizing the treatment plan.

      Types of Anaesthesia

      Hallux rigidus surgery is performed under local anaesthesia, which entails numbing the area around your ankle or behind the knee to ensure you feel no pain during the operation.

      Techniques for the Operation

      Your surgeon will make an incision on the side of your big toe joint, allowing access to the bone, where worn-out joint surfaces and overgrowths are removed. To secure the bones in place, small screws or wires are used. These are usually left in place and won’t require removal. The incision is closed with sutures and covered with a large dressing for about two weeks to promote healing.

      Recovery Facts with Hallux Rigidus Operation

      Recovery from hallux rigidus surgery is gradual process and requires attention and concerted effort to ensure proper healing. During the first few days, elevating the foot above heart level is crucial for reducing swelling, and oral pain medication help manage discomfort.

      Recovery time after hallux rigidus surgery also depends on the procedure performed. Foe cheilectomy and artheoplasty procedures, which are less invasive options, patients are required to wear a specialized shoe for about two weeks before switching back to normal footwear. Swelling could linger for several months as the foot adjusts. Osteotomy procedure requires more time for recovery. Swelling improves within six to eight weeks, but the bones need up to three months to fully heal. Joint fusion procedure involves a longer recovery. Patients wear a cast or boot for three to six weeks to stabilize the foot. This is followed by crutches for additional support. Mild swelling and stiffness may continue for several months but this method offers long-term relief from arthritis pain.

      Two weeks after surgery, a follow-up appointment is conducted to check the wound and remove sutures. At six weeks, an X-ray is taken to evaluate the healing progress, most patients can begin wearing their regular shoes at this point. If healing is delayed, the use of a wooden-sole shoes might be extended.

      Driving after hallux rigidus surgery depends on the foot involved. Patients with left foot surgery can resume driving an automatic car once the wound is healed, while right foot surgery often requires waiting about eight weeks.

      Post-Operative Key Points Of Hallux Rigidus Operation

      • Stitches and foot bandages will be removed around two weeks post-surgery.
      • Regular, supportive shoes can be worn after the stitches are removed. High heels should be avoided.
      • Mild throbbing pain is normal, manageable with prescribed painkillers.
      • Swelling is common, elevating the foot during the first week to can significantly help reduce it. Apply ice packs for 15 minutes multiple times a day.
      • You will receive instruction for gentle stretches and exercises to help restore flexibility and strength to the foot. Be sure to follow through with them regularly for a quicker and smoother recovery.
      • The area may remain sensitive for several weeks, so avoid high-impact activities and take it easy.
      • As Prospero Medical, we offer follow up care for up to a year post surgery, even after patients return to their home countries. It is important that patients notify our clinic of any complications before approaching any outside specialists.

      Benefits Of Hallux Rigidus Operation In Turkey

      Turkey is globally recognized for its excellence in the medical field, especially in orthopedic surgeries like hallux rigidus. Turkey combines top-tier medical expertise with rich cultural heritage, making it a prime choice for international patients. Here are the main benefits of having hallux rigidus surgery in Turkey:

      • Turkey boasts some of the best orthopedic surgeons in the world, many of whom are internationally trained and highly experienced in performing complex procedures.
      • Turkish hospitals are equipped with cutting-edge technology, ensuring the highest standards of care. Turkey offers affordable yet high-quality care.
      • Patients in Turkey receive tailored aftercare services that include rehabilitation programs and physiotherapy to enhance recovery and improve mobility.
      • Many medical centers in Turkey offer combined treatment packages that include both surgery and post-operative care, speeding up the recovery process.
      • With minimal waiting times for procedure, patients can get their surgery done quickly and efficiently.
      • Patients can recover in comfort, enjoying the beautiful scenery that Turkey has to offer.
      • The rich cultural history and hospitality of Turkey provides a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere for patients travelling from abroad.
      • Turkey’s healthcare facilities are accredited by leading international health organization, ensuring a safe and trusted environment.

      How Does Hallux Rigidus Operation Cost In Turkey?

      When selecting the clinic for your surgery, it’s essential to look beyond the price tag. With numerous clinics promoting their services through advertisements and online campaigns, finding the right clinic can be challenging. What should you consider when shortlisting clinics?

      • A clinic that provides you with unbiased medical advice without any commercial influence.
      • A clinic that creates a strong relationship with the patient to help them manage their expectations and concerns.
      • A clinic that prioritizes the safety of the patients and focuses on long-term well-being.
      The cost estimation should take into account the following:
      • The professional standing of the clinic as well as its reputation.
      • The credentials of the surgeon and the aftercare services.
      • The complexity of the surgery and the surgical team’s experience.
      • Clear terms and conditions that protect both the patient and the clinic legally.

      The cost of hallux rigidus surgery in Turkey will vary depending on these factors. While lower costs may initially be appealing, choosing a clinic based solely on price without considering quality can lead to complications. At Prospero Medical, we follow a transparent pricing policy, where every service is clearly detailed. As Prospero Medical, our aim is to provide the most realistic pricing based on the quality of the medical services we offer, the credentials of our surgeons, and the high standard of after-care we offer. By maintaining transparency in our pricing structure, patients can make informed decisions about their hallux rigidus surgery, understanding exactly what they are paying for.

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