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Colonoscopy In Turkey
Turkey offers high-quality treatment services with competent and expert Gastroenterologist in the field of Gastroentrology Diseases. Treatments of common gastrointestinal disorders are caried out with advanced technology in hospitals and clinics with high standards. As Prospero Medical, we brought together a team who are specially trained experts and leading in different gastrointestinal care operation in Turkey to offer advanced care and treatments.
Colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination performed to examine the large intestine and rectum and detect abnormalities.
It is performed by inserting a flexible, thin tube with a camera at the end into the rectum. Although colonoscopy is thought to be a scary procedure, it is not a procedure to be feared.
Patients are given sedation and made to relax. This process can take between 20 minutes and 1 hour.
Why Should Individuals Have Colonoscopy?
The purpose of colonoscopy is to detect disorders and abnormalities in the colon. Colonoscopy is recommended for individuals in cases such as rectal bleeding, occult blood in the stool, a family history of colon cancer, chronic diarrhea or constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, unexplained weight loss and abdominal pain, and suspicious appearances detected on radiological imaging.
And individuals over the age of 50 are recommended to have a colonoscopy every 5 years.
How Is Colonoscopy Performed?
Colonoscopy is a scanning procedure of the large intestine performed under sedation and lasting between 20 minutes and 1 hour.
Recovery From Colonoscopy In Turkey?
After the procedure, patients stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 hours and can return home the same day after the sedation effect is overcame. Patients may feel swollen for a certain period of time due to the carbon dioxide gas applied to the intestines during the procedure. It is quite normal to see a small amount of blood during defecation. Individuals can return to their normal eating habits after the procedure, but if a procedure such as polyp removal has been performed, they must follow the special nutrition program recommended by the doctor.
After this procedure, patients are generally recommended to rest for 1 day.
Post-colonoscopy Key Points
• Paying attention to nutrition
• Walking a lot for gas pain
• Avoiding strenuous activities and heavy lifting
• Not driving or returning to work on the day of the colonoscopy
• Consuming plenty of fluids
Benefits Of Colonoscopy In Turkey
Among the benefits of the colonoscopy procedure is the detection of abnormalities in the large intestine. Removal of polyps that have the risk of turning into cancer in the future and early detection and diagnosis of colon cancer are among the benefits of this procedure.
How Does Colonoscopy Cost In Turkey?
The colonoscopy cost is varying depending on the healthcare provider, surgeon’s experiences and location where colonoscopy is performed.
As Prospero Medical, we offer affordable Colonoscopy Examination in Turkey. For learning more about the Colonoscopy in Turkey, you can request us a free quote.