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Anal Fistula Surgery



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      Anal Fistula Surgery In Turkey

      Turkey offers high-quality treatment services with competent and expert Proctologist in the field of Proctology. Treatments of common rectal disorders are caried out with advanced technology in hospitals and clinics with high standards. As Prospero Medical, we brought together a team who are specially trained experts and leading in different rectal diseases operation in Turkey to offer advanced care and treatments.

      Anal fistulas are tunnels formed between the outer skin around the anus and connecting the anal canal to the hip skin due to infection or abscess. Generally, the only treatment methods are surgery.

      This operation, performed under spinal (epidural) anesthesia, takes between 20 minutes and 1 hour.

      Who Are The Eligible Candidates For Anal Fistula Surgery?

      Reasons for anal fistula formation include anal traumas (accident, birth), previous anal surgeries, anal canal or rectum cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, diabetes and sexually transmitted diseases.

      The symptoms of anal fistula are as follows; Foul-smelling and yellow discharge from the anus, itching due to discharge, underwear contamination in some cases, bleeding, color change and hardening outside the anus due to infection, and a feeling of fullness in the anus area.

      Individuals with these symptoms are deemed suitable for surgical intervention.

      How Is Anal Fistula Operation Performed?

      Anal fistulas are health problems that require surgical intervention. This operation is performed under spinal (epidural) anesthesia and takes between 20 minutes and 1 hour.


      Firstly, the individuals with the anal fistula symptoms should have physical examination. According to the physical examination, surgery is planned. After the planning of surgery, there are some pre-operative examinations such as learning of patient’s anamnesis (medical record), blood tests, ECG (Electrocardiography), Ches X-ray, Colonoscopy, computed tomogrophy (CT Scan) and anesthesiologist consultation.
      According to the patient’s medical record, surgeon may ask for additional tests and examinations from different branches.
      The main aims of pre-operative examinations are evaluate the patient’s risk and maitain patient’s health condition.


      Spinal (epidural) anesthesia which is numbing the lower body from waist is preffered for this operation.


      Many surgical methods are used in the treatment of anal fistulas. The surgical method is decided according to the patient's condition and the severity of the fistulas.
       Recently, the Fistula Laser Closure method is most used as the treatment of anal fistulas. The inner mouth is determined by entering the anal canal with a speculum. It is the process of closing fistulas using heat and light with the laser at the tip of the speculum.
       Fistulotomy is another surgical method and this procedure takes 1 hour. An incision is made on the fistula line and the dirty area inside the fistula is cleaned. After the procedures are completed, the body is left to its own healing process. It is generally the preferred method in uncomplicated fistulas.
       Seton, another method, is preferred in fistulas that are difficult to remove or make an incision on. This method can be applied in two different ways. Loose seton application involves passing a non-absorbable surgical material through the fistula line and leaving it there. Thanks to this material, the discharge and infection are removed and the fistula line is closed over time. In the cutting seton application, the muscle tissue is gradually cut and cleaned by squeezing the placed material once a week.

      Recovery From Anal Fistula Operation In Turkey

      Patients stay at the hospital for 1 night after the operation. Patients can generally continue their normal lives after discharge. During the recovery period, conditions such as anal bleeding, discharge, itching, and gas leakage may occur, which are quite normal.

      Patients should never stop following their follow-ups after this surgery. Nutrition and lifestyle changes must be made.

      Recovery time may vary depending on the severity of the fistulas, the preferred surgery method and the general health of the patient, but generally recovery is seen within 1 month.

      Post-operative Key Points Of Anal Fistula Surgery

      • Correct use of prescribed medicines
      • Sitz bath should be done
      • Having regular doctor check-ups
      • Choosing foods that prevent constipation
      • Heavy lifting should be avoided
      • Regular exercise should be done
      • Anal area should be kept clean and dry.

      Benefits Of Anal Fistula Operation In Turkey

      Anal fistulas turn individuals’ lives into nightmares unless treated. Rectal bleeding causes yellow and foul-smelling discharge. These symptoms prevent individuals from continuing their daily lives comfortably, and bleeding can cause serious health problems. With this surgery, individuals’ symptoms are treated and they can easily continue their daily lives.

      How Does Anal Fistula Operation Cost In Turkey?

      The Anal Fistula Operation cost is varying depending on the healthcare provider, surgeon’s experiences, surgery method, situations of disorder and location where surgery is performed.

      As Prospero Medical, we offer affordable Anal Fistula Operation in Turkey. For learning more about the Anal Fistula Operation in Turkey, you can request us a free quote.

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