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Toe Shortening Surgery



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      Toe Shortening Surgery In Turkey

      Thanks to its established network of top-qualified orthoapedists and high-end modern hospitals, Turkey is pushing the frontiers of complex podiatry procedures. The top tier highly-sought after podiatry procedures could be performed at high standard hospitals, clinics. Prospero medical has agglomerated a team of specially-trained specialists with a remarkable reputation in different types of podiatry operations to offer specially tailored podiatry treatments in Turkey.

      Long toes are usually a genetic condition. It occurs because the big toe’s metatarsal is shorter than second metatarsal of the second toe. The long toes are the most common genetic problems and also known as Morton’s Toe. Individuals with long toe problems feel discomfort and pain when wearing shoes, and the pain is usually concentrated in the big toe and nail area.

      The surgery of toe shortening surgery is shortening of the second toe, which is usually long, so that it does not exceed the big toe; it is a minimal invasive procedure. Also, this surgery includes removing excess bone and tissue. The local anesthesia, sedation, epidural or general anesthesia can be preffered for this surgery. According to the local anesthesia or sedation the surgery can be last for approximately 3 hours.

      Long toes, in addition to their physical symptoms, also cause aesthetic appearance problems. Surgery can be planned after a physical examination for individuals who are uncomfortable with their appearance along with their physical symptoms.

      Who Are The Eligible Candidates For Toe Shortening?

      Long toe is a genetic and common disorder generally known as the second toe on the foot being longer than the big toe.

      Long toe causes symptoms such as tenderness and discomfort when wearing shoes, and pain in the toes and nails. Apart from these, it may also cause symptoms such as irritation and redness. If it is not examined and treated in the long term, it may cause dislocation of the metatarsal bone, callus formation on the sole of the foot, and conditions that impair foot functions, such as hammer toe.

      Apart from physical discomfort, people may experience problems such as self-confidence and anxiety because it also causes aesthetic appearance impairment.

      This surgery can be planned for individuals with the above-mentioned symptoms after a physical examination.

      Who Are The Eligible Candidates For Toe Shortening?

      It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia (regional anesthesia), sedation (mild anesthesia), epidural (spinal) anesthesia or general anesthesia and an aesthetic appearance is achieved by shortening the long toe by removing excess bones and tissues.


      The physical examination and consultation is the crucial step for the surgery. After the planning of the surgery, the second very important thing is learning the patient medical record. Then pre-operative tests and consultation will be begun such as blood tests, ECG (Electrocardiography), X-ray and anesthesiologist consultation. Sometimes, according to the patient medical record, surgeon may ask additional tests and consultations from different branches.
      The main purposes of pre-operative tests and consultations are evaluate the patient’s risk and maintain patient’s health.


      There more options for anesthesia for this surgery as epidural (spinal) anesthesia which is numbing the lower body from the waist, general anesthesia which is numbing the whole body and causes the deep sleep, local anesthesia which is numbing the specific area and sedation which means mild anesthesia. According to the pre-operative tests’ results, anesthesiologist will determine the which method is suitable for the patient.


      There are two ways to implement this operation. One of these is bone resection. Bone resection is the procedure of removing part of one of the little toe joints.
      The second method is bone repair. Bone repair is a procedure that shortens the toe by removing an entire small joint, allowing the two bone condyles to heal.
      Depending on the type of anesthesia given, the surgery takes approximately 3 hours. After the excess bone and tissues are removed, the stitches are placed and the surgery is completed.

      Recover Period After The Toe Shortening In Turkey

      Usually patients stay in the hospital for 1 night. With its main diameters, the healing time is 6 weeks. Returning to normal activities can usually take from 2 weeks to 3 months, depending on the severity of the deformity. However, in simple cases of finger shortening, healing can occur within 2 weeks.

      However, it should not be forgotten that people’s general health conditions vary depending on the severity of the deformity, the surgery method applied, age and smoking.

      Post-operative Keypoints Of Toe Shortening

      • Correct use of prescribed medicines
      • Keeping the operated foot elevated
      • Applying the ice compresses to reduce swelling
      • Weight bearing should be avoided for a certain period of time
      • Comfortable shoes recommended by the doctor should be preferred
      • Female patients should avoid wearing high heels for a long time after surgery
      • Wounds should be kept dry and clean

      The Benefits Of The Toe Shortening In Turkey

      Long toes cause physical symptoms and psychological problems. Individuals with long toes often develop a tendency to hide their feet and may experience loss of self-confidence.

      Among the benefits of this surgery, individuals regain their self-confidence thanks to the relief of pain and irritation and the aesthetic appearance of their feet.

      Thus, after this surgery, individuals’ psychological and physical quality of life improves.

      How Much Does Toe Shortening Cost In Turkey?

      Cost for toe shortening surgery generally vary depending on the severity of the toe deformation, the experience of the surgeon performing the operation, the region where the surgery will be performed and the healthcare provider.

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