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Pilonidal Sinus Operation



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      Pilonidal Sinus Operation In Turkey

      Turkey offers high-quality treatment services with competent and expert Proctologist in the field of Proctology. Treatments of common rectal disorders are caried out with advanced technology in hospitals and clinics with high standards. As Prospero Medical, we brought together a team who are specially trained experts and leading in different rectal diseases operation in Turkey to offer advanced care and treatments.

      Ingrown hair is a skin condition that usually occurs in the sacrococcygeal articulation. Ingrown hairs progress insidiously. It is the growth of working hairs that do not come out of the skin when exposed to constant pressure. In later periods, it becomes threatening to individuals’ health. Pilonidal sinus is the process of removing diseased tissue under spinal anesthesia. This process takes between 20 minutes and 30 minutes.

      Pilonidal sinus is the process of removing diseased tissue under spinal(epidural) anesthesia. This process takes between 20 minutes and 30 minutes.

      Who Are The Eligible Candidates For Pilonidal Sinus Operation?

      Ingrown hair disorder is seen in young and middle-aged individuals. It is especially common in male individuals. Common causes include sitting for long periods of time, obesity, having thick and hard body hair, a sedentary lifestyle, and having experienced this disease before.

      Individuals with ingrown hairs experience severe pain when sitting, itching and burning, abscess formation, swelling in the coccyx, foul-smelling bloody discharge, nausea, fever and weakness.

      Individuals with symptoms are deemed suitable for surgery after physical examination.

      How Is Pilonidal Sinus Operation Performed?

      Pilonidal sinus operation is the process of removing diseased tissue. This surgery, performed under spinal (epidural) anesthesia, takes between 20 and 30 minutes.


      Physical examination is the first step before the surgery. According to the physical examination, surgery will be planned. After the planning of surgery, firstly patient should shave the diseased area. Then the following steps as pre-operative examinations such as learning of patient’s medical record, blood tests, chest X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT Scan) and anesthesiologist consultation.
      According to the patient’s medical record, surgeon may ask for additional tests and examinations from different branches.
      The main aims of pre-operative examinations are evaluate the patient’s risk and maitain patient’s health condition.


      Spinal (epidural) anesthesia which is numbing the lower body from waist is preffered for this surgery.


      Since the operation is performed under spinal anesthesia, patients stay in the hospital for 1 night. During the recovery period, swelling occurs in the operated area. After this surgery, it is very important for patients to dress as recommended by their doctors. After this operation, patients are recommended to take a shower with hot water every day and clean the hair in the area at regular intervals.
      After the surgery, it is important for individuals to keep the operated area clean and dry, lie on their side while sleeping or lying down, and climb the stairs one by one.
      Improvement usually occurs within 1 to 2 weeks. However, it takes 2 months for the tissue in the operated area to heal.

      Recovery From Pilonidal Sinus Operation In Turkey

      Since the operation is performed under spinal anesthesia, patients stay in the hospital for 1 night. During the recovery period, swelling occurs in the operated area. After this surgery, it is very important for patients to dress as recommended by their doctors. After this operation, patients are recommended to take a shower with hot water every day and clean the hair in the area at regular intervals.

      After the surgery, it is important for individuals to keep the operated area clean and dry, lie on their side while sleeping or lying down, and climb the stairs one by one.

      Improvement usually occurs within 1 to 2 weeks. However, it takes 2 months for the tissue in the operated area to heal.

      Post-operative Key Points Of Pilonidal Sinus Operation

      • Correct use of prescribed medicines
      • Taking showe with hot water
      • Avoiding strenuous activities
      • Healthy nutrition should be provided
      • Creating an exercise routine
      • Epilating the area regularly
      • Keeping the area clean and dry
      • Keeping incision dry and clean

      Benefits Of Pilonidal Sinus Operation In Turkey

      Ingrown hairs are not a discomfort that is noticed at first. In later periods, they cause serious symptoms in individuals and begin to affect their daily lives. If left untreated, they can cause serious health problems such as turning into cancer. Pilonidal sinus surgery aims to clean inflamed and cysted hair follicles from the body. In this way, symptoms affecting the daily life of individuals are improved and other diseases that may occur are prevented.

      Pilonidal sinus surgery aims to clean inflamed and cysted hair follicles from the body. In this way, symptoms affecting the daily life of individuals are improved and other diseases that may occur are prevented.

      How Does Pilonidal Sinus Operation Cost In Turkey?

      The Pilonidal Sinus Operation cost is varying depending on the healthcare provider, surgeon’s experiences, treatment’s method, situations of disorder and location where treatment is performed.

      As Prospero Medical, we offer affordable Ingrown Hair Treatment in Turkey. For learning more about the Pilonidal Sinus Operation in Turkey, you can request us a free quote.

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